ADA Train Car Status
MARNE, MI – December 2013
The ADA Train Car status was reported to the Board of Directors at their Dec. 2013 board meeting. The progress of the AllAboard! ADA Train Car Project from it’s initial state is impressive. However, due to unforeseen obstacles and additional expenses, the project is a ways from completion. We will have to do additional fundraising.
The ADA Railcar is now sporting a final, Pullman Green overcoat, windows have been installed, the roof was completely patched, primed, sealed & painted and the unexpected & un-budgeted complete re-build of the interior floor has been completed to a solid subfloor state.
As reported earlier, the lift doorway has been fabricated, a roll-up door installed and Braun Corporation wheelchair lift installed and tested. The windows were installed and will be professionally caulked in the spring of 2014. With the final coat of paint applied, the exterior will be completely weather tight.
A compilation of contractor bids is being assembled for finalization of the interior including final flooring, wheel chair tie-down tracks (45 ft), insulation, hvac, electrical, sound/av, interior finishing, ADA restroom fabrication, paint and upholstery. Vestibule repairs need to be made (stairways have been completely re-fabricated but need sandblasting & paint), under carriage undercoating and brake & wheelset inspection & repair. A complete list of contractor estimates will be available at the mid-summer board meeting but we are looking at an additional $90-$130,000 in additional fundraising to be required for completion.
Our consultant from the Cuyahoga Railway has reviewed our current status and is impressed that we completed as much as we did with the money we had available. Much of the time and expense expended on the project to-date has been designed to minimize maintenance and/or eliminate problems that we encountered up to this point.
We look forward to completing the project as soon as additional funds become available. Please stay tuned and notify us of any foundations, corporations and or donors who may be willing to contribute to put this project back on the rails.